Separating Discourse from Practice: What Does the Future Hold for Women in Afghanistan?

Separating Discourse from Practice: What Does the Future Hold for Women in Afghanistan?

The 6th volume of the Women and Public Policy Journal includes 11 articles by Afghan women researchers, academics, and practitioners titled “Separating Discourse from Practice: What Does the Future Hold for Women in Afghanistan?” This year’s journal attempts to present a clearer and more grounded picture of how far Afghan women have actually come in the last two decades (post-2001) and provides concrete policy recommendations to assist national and international policymakers in plugging these gaps as the country enters a new decade, one that will be unapologetically measured against how it achieves self-reliance and local ownership in its pursuit for sustainable

Call for Papers: 7th Vol of Women and Public Policy Journal

Call for Papers: 7th Vol of Women and Public Policy Journal

In response to the political and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2679 in March 2023, requesting the Secretary-General to provide the Council with an independent assessment including “forward-looking recommendations for an integrated and coherent approach.” This is a response to that report, informed, and by Afghan women.